About Declarations of Interest

In response to mounting pressure for greater transparency on declaration of interests within the NHS, in October 2016, NHS England released a consultation document for 'Managing Conflicts of Interest'.

In February 2017 NHS England followed up and published 'Managing Conflicts of Interest in the NHS, Guidance for Staff and Organisations', which sets down guidance for NHS organisations to follow. It came into force on the 1st June 2017.

This site is a secure area that deals with all aspects of the guidance. Our staff and Trust Representatives can log into the website and easily submit any declaration(s) that they might have. The website is here to help support and guide staff and Trust Representatives in an efficient way.

To comply with the guidance declarations submitted will be published as part of the Register of Declarations.

MES Declare Video
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Corporate Governance Team, Trust Headquarters St Mary’s House (Main House) St Mary’s Road Leeds LS7 3JX
01138 555900